Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Wake up India...

India is a free country..Population around crores..Moving faster wid other countries.My heart sank when I see people begging on streets,local trains,railway platforms,local trains..almost everywhere u travel.India is growing faster with technology and economically too...almost in every sphere of life...and I guess anyone will agree with me that its growing with poverty too.Have you ever seen the eyes of those poor people who sit on railway bridges begging for money or those small children who ask for money while you are travelling on those local trains????????We all, like we have always been trained to do this from childhood,jus ignore this people.Now you would say what is in this..dis happens everyday..Well I would suggest you to have a look at the pics below..I hope you feel something about it...Please watch the video too and dont forget to leave a comment below.

I am not saying that you should go ahead and give some money to those beggars.Instead,you can donate some money to charitable trusts like CRY atleast once in a year.OR maybe you can adopt one child too.Someday go ahead and visit some old heritage home or orphanage.I am sure it will create a difference.

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